Full Day Meditation Retreat - February 29, 2020
![]() This special Sangha-building retreat is an opportunity to strengthen our community of practice and to establish a strong, supportive foundation on which our lives are built.
This retreat is a period to free oneself from our worldly nonsense and cultivate focus and concentration. This retreat also provides a wonderful opportunity for discovering our own wisdom mind and developing a compassionate heart. Zen is a state of mind, a mind of calmness, alertness, and clarity; a mind free of delusions and confusions; a mind in accord with true Reality. It is not a dull mind, but one full of infinite potentials. Such a mind is the source of wisdom; it is a state of true liberation and joy. To achieve the Zen state of mind, proper meditation practice is very important. Meditation helps us to focus, calm down, become aware, and begin to see things as they are. A properly trained mind is one ready for Awakening. The retreat day is primarily spent in silent practice with alternate periods of sitting and walking meditation and kido (chanting practice). A full lunch and light dinner will be served – with refreshments and snacks available throughout the day. This retreat is open to the Lotus Heart Zen sangha and those serious about cultivating a dedicated practice. |
(subject to change) 9:00 am- Orientation & Set up (please arrive before 9am) 9:30 am - Chanting Practice 10:00 am - Walking/Sitting Meditation/Interviews 12:30 pm - Formal Lunch Meditation 1:00 pm - Silent Break/Tea/Journaling/Crafting Time 2:00 pm - Sangha Building Exercise/Discussion 3:30 pm - Walking/Sitting Meditation/Interviews 5:00 pm - Light Dinner/Closing Circle Discussion 5:30 pm - Clean up 6:00 pm - End of Retreat Retreat location:
Lotus Heart Zen Abbey 218 Allen Park Place, Oneida, NY Pre-register early so we can set up adequately and provide enough food.
Please pre-register for the retreat below:
What Should You Bring?
- Indoor-only socks or slippers. This helps contribute to the silence and overall cleanliness of the retreat environment.
- Dress for the seasons. If it is excessively warm, there will be air-conditioning. Please noted, the practice room in winter can be cool, even with heat. Dress accordingly, layers are recommended!
- Your own meditation cushion or bench. We will provide a basic zabuton(mat) for you. Chairs are available for those who cannot sit on a cushion. Please bring any extra meditation props you may need, such as additional cushions, a meditation stool, or shawl.
- All necessary special foods and beverages. We serve strictly gluten-free and vegetarian meals at retreats. Please inform us of any dietary allergies.
- Plastic containers for special foods.
- Medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc. If you have an existing medical condition, bring enough of all prescription medicines to last throughout the retreat.
- Please do not wear any perfume or cologne throughout the retreat.
- If you have ever been to an emergency room because of a medical condition, bring your doctor's telephone number in case the condition comes up while you're on retreat.
What Else Should I Know About the Retreat?
-- To respect the property of others and refrain stealing or taking what is not freely given.
-- To regard all beings with respect and dignity, and not objectify others and, while at the retreat, abstain from sexual activity.
-- To be truthful, refrain from lying, and refrain from harming by one's speech through gossip or harsh or hurtful language.
-- To maintain a clear mind and refrain from harming myself or others with intoxication.
- There is no smoking permitted inside. To minimize odors we ask that you wash your hands after smoking and not to wear smoke-filled clothing during practice.
- The retreat is for establishing a space and period of time away from worldly ties and to allow oneself to focus on complete concentration, therefore, all cellphones, computers and other electronic devices are strictly forbidden during retreat practice hours. If so desired, participants can access such devices during break periods, but it is not recommended, as doing so has the potential to interrupt the quality of focus and contemplative space that participants have established and for which the retreat is designed for.
- PLEASE NOTE: there are two small dogs and birds (parakeets) on the premises. The dogs are friendly, but can be loud when first greeting you. If you have allergies, please be aware!
- We ask that you uphold the ethical guidelines as outlined in the Five Precepts, which are:
-- To respect the property of others and refrain stealing or taking what is not freely given.
-- To regard all beings with respect and dignity, and not objectify others and, while at the retreat, abstain from sexual activity.
-- To be truthful, refrain from lying, and refrain from harming by one's speech through gossip or harsh or hurtful language.
-- To maintain a clear mind and refrain from harming myself or others with intoxication.
- We have the right to refuse acceptance to or request individuals to leave the retreat if they do not uphold the conditions as outlined above or demonstrate a sincerity and respect for practice and toward others attending the retreat.
If you need to cancel your Retreat, please contact us as soon as possible. Retreat fees are 100% refunded if you cancel at minimum a week before a retreat begins. There are no refunds if the cancellation takes place within one week of a retreat.
If you need to cancel your Retreat, please contact us as soon as possible. Retreat fees are 100% refunded if you cancel at minimum a week before a retreat begins. There are no refunds if the cancellation takes place within one week of a retreat.